Whilst The Office Group’s (TOG) business model remains precise and consistent, the building types presented vary considerably and require a specific response. TOG stand for championing design solutions and quality workplace environments to keep them ahead of the competition. Shed deliver on that premise and much more.
We’d known the owners at TOG personally for some time. Our friend Charlie Green was always keen to pick our brains as his business grew exponentially from Rivington Street to worldwide locations.
Fast forward five years and Charlie asked us to jump in and help on a site which is now Angel Square, the rather dated 1980’s post-modern office block above the tube. Shed brought a compelling new narrative to the way The Office Group build, it was a strong start to our now decade long design relationship.
We felt that whilst TOG has a strong folio ‘look’, the Angel site demanded a different response. We used the cult ‘Memphis’ vernacular of the mid-eighties as a way of both complimenting the architecture but shaking TOG out of there design comfort zone to great effect. It was brave but re-inventing the interior design narrative in an ever more crowded co-working market, fits the bill perfectly.
Shed has subsequently delivered compelling schemes for Marylebone Station and Belle House, Victoria Station which harks to the grandeur and elegance of its luxury British Pullman service to Europe.
“Shed has worked on a number of projects for TOG. They have a strong intuitive approach and a brilliant eye for design. They focus on detail but get the bigger impact that their work can have on users of space, both with how the space looks and how it works. We’ve pushed them on very different buildings and they’ve pushed us! Shed always adapt to the audience and architecture of our buildings brilliantly!”
Charlie Green, Co-CEO, The Office Group